Welcome to Revive Clinic

Huntsville, Alabama

We are located inside
24/7 Health & Wellness Club

3490 Harris Hill Blvd
Huntsville, AL 35812

Email:  Info@ReviveHSV.com

Phone:  (256) 203-2178


  • Bio-identical hormones are revolutionary medicine for peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopausal women.

    Bio-identical Hormones in Men help restore optimal hormonal balance to the body.

    Feel better and age gracefully with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy!

  • We now have a new class of medications that are extremely effective for weight loss, have minimal and very tolerable side effects, and can positively impact other aspects of your health!

    We offer Semaglutide! Semaglutide is an injectable GLP1 analog that helps regulate insulin levels, keeping them at a more steady level throughout the day. This allows your body to burn fat rather than store it!

  • By administering intravenous nutritional therapy to your body on a cellular level, the GI tract is bypassed and almost 100% of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other unique parenteral compounds are delivered directly to where they are most needed.

  • Vitamin B12 injections are traditionally popular with athletes for its energy boosting effects and people with low B12 intake such as Vegans.

    Vitamin B12 converts carbohydrates into glucose in the body, thus leading to energy production and a decrease in fatigue and lethargy. Vitamin B12 is also used for various health and wellness applications like boosting red blood cell production, and helping to regulate sleep, mood, and appetite cycles.

  • More info coming soon!

  • Learn more here: https://renegadehealthokc.com/

  • Galleri® is the first-of-its-kind multi-cancer early detection test that looks for a signal shared by 50+ types of cancer with a single blood test.

  • Platelet-Rich-Fibrin (PRF) hair restoration is a new, non-surgical treatment that uses cell growth factors to regenerate and restore the inactive hair follicle through wound-healing technology. These specific growth factors are essential in tissue regeneration and healing.

  • Revive Clinic uses ZO Skincare® products for skincare. ZO Skincare® formulates products with TriHex Technology. It is a proprietary blend of active peptides and botanicals specifically engineered to work with the skin to clear out old collagen and elastin proteins that have been damaged by sun exposure and aging.

  • Metagenics supplements support your body’s systems with pure, potent ingredients sourced from nature. Scientifically designed to bring your body back into balance for lasting wellbeing at every stage of life.

  • At Revive Clinic, our diode laser will reduce unsightly body hair. Melanin gives our hair color and what the laser light targets to destroy is the hair follicles in the active growth stage. It is safe to use on all skin colors and will leave the treatment area hair-free.

Ready to take your health to the next level?